Sampling distributions - the difference between two means

Sampling distributions - the difference between two means

If X∼N(μx,σx2) and Y∼N(μy,σy2) where X and Y are independent, then the expectation and variance of the distribution X¯−Y¯ are given by


If the population variances σx2 and σy2 are known, then X¯−Y¯ is distributed normally. In other words


the confidence interval is given by


The value of c depends on the level of confidence you need for your confidence interval:

Level of confidence Value of c
90% 1.64
95% 1.96
99% 2.58
If σx2 and σy2 are unknown, then you will need to approximate them with sx2 and sy2 . If the samples sizes are large, then you can still use the normal distribution. If the sample sizes are small, then you will need to use the t-distribution instead.

Sources: 1

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