Making an Effective Analysis

A good analysis has five traits:

Generally a good analysis is something that helps non-data scientists do their job.

The Request

Business Question -> Data Question -> Data Answer -> Business Answer

Ask the requestor lots of questions to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the business question they want an answer for. Questions can usually be asked in a 30-60 min meeting. Examples:

The Plan

Make a plan before running away with the data! Don't waste precious time doing something your customer (requestor) doesn't care about.

Use a template for a write up:

Share your plan with your supervisor and requestor to get it approved. You may need to make changes as you go, but changes are easier to manage once you already have a plan in place.

Doing the Analysis

Importing and Cleaning Data

Data Exploration and Modeling

Wrapping it up

Sources: 1

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