Generalized Linear Models

Generalized Linear Models

Sometimes Y is neither quantitative or qualitative. Like a non-negative integer value (counts).

Linear Regression

Some of the issues that arise from estimating a non-qualitative observation can be corrected using a transformation:


A transformation leads to challenges in interpretation and can't be applied to situations where the response can take on a value of 0.

Poisson Regression

The Poisson distribution is typically used to model counts

The distribution is modified to accommodate multiple means: λ=E(Y) written as λ(X1,,Xp) with covariates X1,,Xp:

log(λ(X1,,Xp))=β0+β1X1++βpXpequivalently λ(X1,,Xp)=eβ0+β1X1++βpXp

where β0,β1,,βp are parameters to be estimated:

l(β0,β1)=i=1neλ(xi)λ(xi)yiyi!where λ(xi)=eβ0+β1xi1++βpxip

Generalized Linear Models in Greater Generality

Comparisons between linear, logistic, and Poisson regression models


For logistic regression, the mean of Y takes the form


Poisson regression takes the form


These equations can be expressed using a link function η , which applies a transformation to E(Y|X1,,Xp) so that the transformed mean is a linear function of the predictors. That is,


The link functions for linear, logistic and Poisson regression are η(μ)=μ, η(μ)=log(μ/(1μ)), and η(μ)=log(μ), respectively.

The exponential family of distributions includes Gaussian, Bernoulli, Poisson, exponential distribution, Gamma, and negative binomial.

Any regression approach that follows this very general recipe is known as a generalized linear model (GLM). Thus, linear regression, logistic regression, and Poisson regression are three examples of GLMs. Other examples not covered here include Gamma regression and negative binomial regression.

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